How Young Is Too Young to Write a Will?

You are never too young to make a will, as long as you are emancipated, which means you are on your own. Florida Statutes §732.501 states that you must be 18 years of age or an “emancipated minor,” and must be of sound mind. Florida statutes also provide the circumstances in which a minor may […]

What You Can and Can’t Write Off Of Your Taxes

Each year the tax code changes, so you should retain a professional to help you, especially if you have a business. However, even accountants can make mistakes and you might find yourself in need of a tax attorney. You may also wish to consult a tax attorney on major life changes, such as selling a […]

How To Manage Your Company In A Will

When it comes time to put wealth and property into a legally binding will, some things are easier than others. You generally leave cash, physical assets and life insurance to help meet the financial needs of a spouse and children. But a business with many moving parts can be more complicated. Not every heir has […]

What You Need To Know About Wills in Florida

Creating a will or estate plan ranks among the true acts of kindness. You are considering friends and loved ones in a thoughtful way. You’re also taking control of how you’d like assets distributed and removing any potential disagreements between those you leave behind. It’s important to set up a will or estate plan and […]

Five Fast Facts Regarding Wills in Florida

As an estate planning attorney, France Law receives many questions regarding the creation and administration of wills in Florida. Each state has the latitude to establish various laws regarding the form that wills can take and the process to make them a legally binding document.

Here are five fast facts regarding wills in Florida.

A person desiring […]